Homestead Outfitters is the culmination of years of ideas and dreams being put into action. This is a passion project with no limits and I'm excited for where this journey takes us. 

Growing up in Canada, I played hockey close to 7 days a week with the hopes of playing division 1 for a big name College in the States. Hockey introduced me to my best friends and gave me experiences that I'll cherish forever. When it was time to hang up my skates and move on to something else, I found the outdoors. 

I didn't grow up in the country hunting and fishing all the time, but when I caught my first bass back in 2014, I knew this would turn into my next obsession. Since that day, hunting, fishing and the food that comes with it, paired with my passion for photo, video and graphic design has consumed my life in the best ways possible and my goal with Homestead Outfitters is to connect people with those same experiences.    

Whether you're just getting into the outdoors or have had this way of life passed down to you, we want to create a community here that supports each other with their passions. We're passionate about outdoor experiences, harvesting clean & natural foods, enjoying that food surrounded by those we love, and doing our part in conserving land & wildlife to ensure this way of life is passed on to the next generation.

This is just the beginning of something special we're trying to build here, and we're glad you're a part of it.

– Jesse Renaud, Founder